Census 2011

 First census was held in 1872, but it was not a synchronized census. First synchronized census was held in 1881, since then at every ten years census is organized.

 C Chandramouli is the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India who headed the 15th census of India.

 Census is a union subject 9Article 246) and is listed as entry 69 of the VIIth Schedule of the constitution.

 The year 1921 is known as the year of demographic divide.

 Population 1210193422.

 Density 382 (324 as census 2001)

 Sex Ratio 940 (933 as census 2001)

 Literacy Rate 71.04% (64.83% as census 2001)

 Population in age group 0 – 6 158789287

 Child population in India is decreased from 15.9% to 13.12% and has negative growth(- 3.02%)

 Nagaland has a negative population growth rate of – 0.5.

 The Indian Population is 17.44% of the world. The decadal population growth of India is– 0.4%

 India is regarded as a country with Demorgraphic dividend. This is due to its high population in the age group of 15 – 64 years.

 Decadal population growth in 2001 – 2011 is 17.64%

 The slogan and the mascot of the Census 2011 is “Our Census – Our Future’ and ‘Femal Enumerator’.

 Kerala 993.9%) has the highest literacy rate and Bihar (63.8%) has the lowest literacy rate.

 In terms of population, UP has maximum and Lakshadweep has minimum.

 In terms of area, Rajasthan has the largest and Lakshadweep has the smallest.

 In terms of density, Delhi (9340) has maximum and Arunachal Pradesh (17) has minimum.

 In terms of sex ratio. Kerala (1084) has maximum and Daman and Diu (618) has minimum.

 The study of population is called demography. Karl Marx is the father of demographic studies.
