Fill up the blanks with suitable word/words

1. Banking Regulation Act was passed in .......... (1949)

2. Reserve Bank of India Act was passed in .......... (1934)

3. Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in .......... (1st January, 1949)

4. Industrial Finance Corporation of India was established in .......... (1948)

5. Industrial Development Bank of India was setup in .......... (July, 1964)

6. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India was established in ..........(1955)

7. Export and Import Bank of India was set up in .......... (1982)

8. Exchange banks specialise in financing .......... (Foreign trade)

9. Current deposits are also called .......... (Demand deposits)

10. Loans which can be called back by the bank at a very short notice of one day to fourteen days are called .......... (Money at call)

11. The maturity period of term loans is more than .......... (One year)

12. Banks are called public conservators of .......... (Commercial virtues)

13. Unit banking system originated and grew in .......... (U.S.A.)

14. Banking system which is very popular and successful in India is .......... (Branch banking system)

15. 14 major commercial banks were nationalised in .......... (July, 1969)

16. A nine member committee on the financial reforms under the Chairmanship of Narasimham submitted its report on .......... (December 1991)

17. Lead Bank Scheme was introduced by the Reserve Bank towards the end of .......... (1969)

18. NABARD was set up on .......... (12th July, 1982)

19. Regional Rural Bank Act was passed in .......... (1976)

20. At present there are .......... regional rural banks in India. (196)

21. The Small Industries Development Bank of India was set up by the Government of India in .......... (April, 1990)

22. The market which deals in trade bills, promissory notes and government papers or bills, which are drawn for short-periods is called .......... (Money market)

23. A financial market in which short-term papers or bills are brought and sold is known as .......... (Bill market)

24. In order to protect the interests of investors and regulate the working of stock exchanges, the Government in 1988 set up the .......... (Stock Exchange Board of India)

25. The financial market for long-term funds is known as .......... (Capital market)

26. A banker is a .......... debtor. (Privileged)

27. A banker’s lien is always .......... lien. (General)

28. To claim a banking debt writing is necessary. (An express demand)

29. .......... is necessary to exercise a lien (No agreement)

30. The word customer signifies a relationship in which .......... is of no essence. (Duration)

31. For wilful dishonour of a cheque .......... damage is payable by the banker. (Vindictive)

32. Accepting a bill and making it payable at the bank is called .......... (Domiciliation of a B/E)

33. Honouring of a cheque is a .......... obligation. (Statutory)

34. The relationship between the banker and customer is primarily that of a .......... (Debtor and creditor)

35. The minimum period for which a fixed deposit can be accepted is .......... (45 days)

36. Money can be withdrawn any number of times in .......... (Current A/C)

37. ..........must be obtained from a responsible person before opening an account. (A letter of introduction)

38. If there are no withdrawals for a period of 12 months in a savings bank account, the account is said to be .......... (Dormant)
