Population in the age group 0-6 in Tamil Nadu has decreased from 72,35,160 (11.59 % to the total) in 2001 to 68,94,821 (9.56 %) in 2011. Comparing with child sex ratio of 2001 Census it is noticed that 14 districts, the sex ratio was declined ranging from - 2 to – 62. It is significant to note that in Cuddalore district child sex ratio was decreased from 957 to 895 and in Ariyalur district it was decreased from 949 to 892. In eighteen districts the child sex ratio has increased ranging from 1 to 85 in 2011 Census. It is significant to note that the child sex ratio in Dharmapuri has increased from 826 in 2001 to 911 in 2011 and similarly in
Salem district child sex ratio has improved from 851 to 917 with an increase of 66 points.