Density of Population in Tamil Nadu

As per the Census of India 2011, Tamil Nadu has a population density of 555 persons per Sq. Km. the same was 480 in 2001. The density of the country in 2011 is 382 whereas it has 325 in 2001. Though the state has not witnessed any change in its area, it has witnessed creation of two districts during the period and hence the area of those affected districts have undergone change. Chennai district is the densest district with 26903 persons per Sq. Km. Kanniyakumari (1106), Thiruvallur (1049), Kancheepuram (927), Madurai (823), Coimbatore (748), Cuddalore (702), Thanjavur (691), Nagapattinam (668), Salem (663), Vellore (646) and Tiruchirappalli (602) are the other eleven districts having higher density of more than 600 persons per Sq. Km. The Nilgiris district has returned the lowest density of 288.
