Archimedes - Principle of buoyancy; Principle of the lever- Greece
Galileo Galilei - Law of inertia - Italy
Christiaan Huygens - Wave theory of light - Holland
Isaac Newton - Universal law of gravitation; Laws of motion; Reflecting telescope - U.K.
Michael Faraday -Laws of electromagnetic induction - U.K.
James Clerk Maxwell - Electromagnetic theory; Light-an electromagnetic wave - U.K.
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz - Generation of electromagnetic waves - Germany
J.C. Bose - Ultra short radio waves - India
W.K. Roentgen - X-rays - Germany
J.J. Thomson - Electron - U.K.
Marie Sklodowska Curie -Discovery of radium and polonium; Studies on natural radioactivity -Poland
Albert Einstein Explanation of photoelectric effect; - Theory of relativity - Germany
Victor Francis Hess- Cosmic radiation- Austria
R.A. Millikan -Measurement of electronic charge- U.S.A.
Ernest Rutherford - Nuclear model of atom- New Zealand
Niels Bohr- Quantum model of hydrogen atom- Denmark
C.V. Raman- Inelastic scattering of light by molecules -India
Louis Victor de Borglie - Wave nature of matter - France
M.N. Saha - Thermal ionisation- India
S.N. Bose- Quantum statistics- India
Wolfgang Pauli- Exclusion principle - Austria
Enrico Fermi- Controlled nuclear fission-Italy
Werner Heisenberg - Quantum mechanics; Uncertainty principle - Germany
Paul Dirac -Relativistic theory of electron; Quantum statistics - U.K.
Edwin Hubble - Expanding universe U.S.A.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence- Cyclotron- U.S.A.
James Chadwick - Neutron- U.K.
Hideki Yukawa -Theory of nuclear forces -Japan
Homi Jehangir Bhabha - Cascade process of cosmic radiation- India
Lev Davidovich Landau -Theory of condensed matter; Liquid helium- Russia
S. Chandrasekhar- Chandrasekhar limit, structure and evolution of stars - India
John Bardeen -Transistors; Theory of super conductivity- U.S.A.
C.H. Townes - Maser; Laser- U.S.A.
Abdus Salam- Unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions - Pakistan
Galileo Galilei - Law of inertia - Italy
Christiaan Huygens - Wave theory of light - Holland
Isaac Newton - Universal law of gravitation; Laws of motion; Reflecting telescope - U.K.
Michael Faraday -Laws of electromagnetic induction - U.K.
James Clerk Maxwell - Electromagnetic theory; Light-an electromagnetic wave - U.K.
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz - Generation of electromagnetic waves - Germany
J.C. Bose - Ultra short radio waves - India
W.K. Roentgen - X-rays - Germany
J.J. Thomson - Electron - U.K.
Marie Sklodowska Curie -Discovery of radium and polonium; Studies on natural radioactivity -Poland
Albert Einstein Explanation of photoelectric effect; - Theory of relativity - Germany
Victor Francis Hess- Cosmic radiation- Austria
R.A. Millikan -Measurement of electronic charge- U.S.A.
Ernest Rutherford - Nuclear model of atom- New Zealand
Niels Bohr- Quantum model of hydrogen atom- Denmark
C.V. Raman- Inelastic scattering of light by molecules -India
Louis Victor de Borglie - Wave nature of matter - France
M.N. Saha - Thermal ionisation- India
S.N. Bose- Quantum statistics- India
Wolfgang Pauli- Exclusion principle - Austria
Enrico Fermi- Controlled nuclear fission-Italy
Werner Heisenberg - Quantum mechanics; Uncertainty principle - Germany
Paul Dirac -Relativistic theory of electron; Quantum statistics - U.K.
Edwin Hubble - Expanding universe U.S.A.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence- Cyclotron- U.S.A.
James Chadwick - Neutron- U.K.
Hideki Yukawa -Theory of nuclear forces -Japan
Homi Jehangir Bhabha - Cascade process of cosmic radiation- India
Lev Davidovich Landau -Theory of condensed matter; Liquid helium- Russia
S. Chandrasekhar- Chandrasekhar limit, structure and evolution of stars - India
John Bardeen -Transistors; Theory of super conductivity- U.S.A.
C.H. Townes - Maser; Laser- U.S.A.
Abdus Salam- Unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions - Pakistan