India ranks first in respect of buffaloes, second in cattle & goats, third in sheep, fifth in ducks & chickens and tenth in camel population in the world.
The contribution of livestock and fisheries sectors to the total GDP during 2009-10 was 29.7 percent.
Semen Production in the country has increased from 22 million straws (1999-2000) to 62 million straws (2010-2011) and the number of inseminations has increased from 20 million to 52 million. As per the impact analysis report submitted by NABARD, overall consumption rate has increased from
20 % to 35 %.
India, with poultry population of 648 million (as per Livestock Census 2007) and egg production of 59.84 billion number. Export of poultry & poultry products increased from nearly Rs. 11 crore in 1993-94 to about Rs. 301 crore in 2010-11.
The country was declared free from Rinderpest on 25.05.2006 and from Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia on 25.05.2007.
India is the second largest in aquaculture production in the world. The fish production during 2010-11
is estimated to be 8.29 million tonnes.
In India, food consumption basket is also diversified in favour of non-food grain items like milk, meat, egg and fish. Women play a big role in value addition and marketing of these items.