'Fatal Vision' author Joe McGinniss dies at age 71

Joe McGinniss, the adventurous and news-making author and reporter who skewered the marketing of Richard Nixon in "The Selling of the President 1968" and tracked his personal journey from sympathizer to scourge of convicted killer Jeffrey MacDonald in the blockbuster "Fatal Vision," died at age 71.
McGinniss, who announced in 2013 that he had been diagnosed with inoperable prostate cancer, died on Monday from complications related to his disease.
Joseph McGinniss, Sr. (December 9, 1942 – March 10, 2014), known as Joe McGinniss, was an American non-fiction writer and novelist. He first came to prominence with the best-selling The Selling of the President 1968 which described the marketing of then-presidential candidate Richard Nixon, and from that time until his death in March of 2014 authored eleven works.
