Andaman tribe to exercise franchise for first time

Photo: Andaman tribe to exercise franchise for first time
Shompen tribesmen cast vote for first time; Andaman & Nicobar records 30% turnout.
In Andaman and Nicobar, brisk polling has been reported from many parts of the islands. According to the Returning officer, the voter turn out in this lone Parliamentary constituency with 15 candidates in fray stood at 30 per cent around noon. 
For the first time, the rarest tribe Shompens cast their votes from the exclusive. polling station at Shompen Huts in the interior jungle of Great
Nicobar.  One of the smallest polling stations in the country, Pillo patia in Great Nicobar with just 9 enrolled voters recorded cent per cent of voters turn out as of 11 hours. The southern-most polling station in the country located at Shastri Nagar in Great Nicobar.
Tribes of Andaman & Nicobar Islands
1. Andamanese, Chariar, Chari, Kora, Tabo, Bo, Yere, Kede, Bea, Balawa, Bojigiyab, Juwai, Kol
2. Jarawas
3. Nicobarese
4. Onges
5. Sentinelese
6. Shom Pens.

The Shompens are hunter-gatherers who have only very limited contact with outsiders. Their population in the last census of 2001 was only 398.
The Indian Government has initiated efforts for the protection of the fast-depleting Shompen primitive tribe in the Nicobar islands and proposed granting it the status of “unique human heritage” of the country.
Shompen tribesmen cast vote for first time; Andaman & Nicobar records 30% turnout.

In Andaman and Nicobar, brisk polling has been reported from many parts of the islands. According to the Returning officer, the voter turn out in this lone Parliamentary constituency with 15 candidates in fray stood at 30 per cent around noon.
For the first time, the rarest tribe Shompens cast their votes from the exclusive. polling station at Shompen Huts in the interior jungle of Great
Nicobar.  One of the smallest polling stations in the country, Pillo patia in Great Nicobar with just 9 enrolled voters recorded cent per cent of voters turn out as of 11 hours. The southern-most polling station in the country located at Shastri Nagar in Great Nicobar.
Tribes of Andaman & Nicobar Islands
1. Andamanese, Chariar, Chari, Kora, Tabo, Bo, Yere, Kede, Bea, Balawa, Bojigiyab, Juwai, Kol
2. Jarawas
3. Nicobarese
4. Onges
5. Sentinelese
6. Shom Pens.

The Shompens are hunter-gatherers who have only very limited contact with outsiders. Their population in the last census of 2001 was only 398.
The Indian Government has initiated efforts for the protection of the fast-depleting Shompen primitive tribe in the Nicobar islands and proposed granting it the status of “unique human heritage” of the country.
