SSC Exam

SSC: (Staff Selection Commission)
SSC Examinations are in two types.

·         Open Examinations
·         Departmental Examinations

List of Open Examinations

Name of Examination
Posts to be filled
Combined Graduate Level Examination
Assistants , in CSS, AFHQ, MEA etc, Inspectors in Central Excise/Preventive Officer/Income Tax, Inspector of Posts, Sub Inspector in CBI, Divl Accountants, Auditors,UDC etc
Tax Assistant Examination
Tax Assistant in CBDT & CBEC
Statistical Investigators (SSS) Grade IV Examination
Statistical Investigators (SSS( Grade IV in Deptt. of Statistice & PI
Junior Engineers(Civil & Elect) Examination
Junior Engineers (Civil & Elect) in CPWD/Dept of Posts, Military Engineering Service
Junior Translators (CSOLS) Examination
Junior Translators of CSOLS Cadre in DOL
Section Officer (Comml Audit) Examination
Section Officer(Commercial Audit)
Deputy Field Officer (Cab Sectt) Examination
Deputy Field Officer(Cabinet Sect)
Data Entry Operator(DEO) Examination
Data Entry Operator(DEO)
Sub Inspector in CPOs Examination
Sub Inspector in CPOs
Section Officer (Audit) Examination
Section Officer
Combined Metric Level Examination
Steno Gr "C",
Steno Gr "D",
Section Officer (Accounts) Examination
Section Officer(Accounts)

                            List of Departmental Examinations:

Name of Examination
Grade 'C' Stenographers Ltd. Deptt. Cpmpt. Examination.
UD Grade Ltd. Deptt. Comp Examination
Clerks Grade (For Group 'D' Staff only) Examination

Recruitment to Isolated Posts (Selection)

Besides recruitment through All India Open Competitive Examinations, Staff Selection commission also makes recruitment to Group 'C' Non-Technical and Group 'B' Non-gazetted Posts which are not covered by any of the Open Examinations conducted by the Commission. Such vacancies generally are small in number and qualification for such posts varies from department to department. The selection process adopted by the Commission for recruitment to such isolated posts, known as Selection Posts, includes the following elements:-

·         Selection through short-listing of candidates on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in the Essential Qualification followed by interview.
·         Selection through short-listing of candidates on the basis of a screening test followed by interview.
·         Selection through Proficiency Test in the relevant subject/discipline which is essential for the post(s) in question followed by interview.
·         Selection through short-listing on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in the Essential Qualification followed by Skill Test/Interview.

In order to select the right candidates for the right job keeping in view job recruitments, the Staff Selection Commission has made the interview process effective by structuring it in such a way that proper and scientific assessment of the candidate is made by judging his academic qualifications, knowledge of the subjects studied, personality and his aptitude and suitability for the post under consideration. Notice for recruitment to Selection Posts is issued in the Employment News/Rozgar Smasher and also hosted on the website of the Commission/Regional Offices of the Commission. Notice for Group 'C' posts is issued by the Regional Offices of the Commission and Notice for Group 'B' posts is issued by the Headquarters of the Commission.
