*Some Important Facts related to Human Body*

Largest and strongest Bone in the body: *Femur (thigh bone)*

Smallest Bone in the body: *Stapes in ear*

Number of Cells in the body: *75 trillion*

Volume of Blood in the body: *6 litres (in 70 kg body)*

Number of Red Blood Cells (R.B.C.): In male: *5 to 6 million/cubic mm; In female: 4 to 5 million/cubic* mm

Life span of Red Blood Cells (R.B.C.): *100 to 120* days
Life span of *White Blood Cell* (W.B.C.): 3 - 4 days

Normal White Blood Cell (W.B.C.) count: *5000-10000/cubic mm*

Time taken by R.B.C. to complete one cycle of circulation: *20 seconds*

Other name of Red Blood Cell (R.B.C.): *Erythrocytes*

Largest White Blood Cells: *Monocytes*

Smallest White Blood Cells: *Lymphocyte*

Who discovered Blood Group: *Karl Landsteiner*

Blood Platelets count: *150,000 - 400,000 platelets per micro litre*

Haemoglobin (Hb): *In male: 14-15 gm/100 c.c. of blood; In female: 11-14 gm/100 c.c. of blood*

Hb content in body: *500 - 700 gm*

pH of Urine: *6.5 - 8*

pH of Blood: *7.36-7.41*

Volume of Semen: *2-5 ml/ejaculation*

Normal Sperm Count: *250-400 million/ejaculation*

Menstrual cycle: *28 days*
Menopause age: *45-50 years*

Blood clotting time: *3-5 minutes*

Weight of Brain: *1300-1400 gm in human adult*

Normal Blood Pressure (B.P.): *120/80 mm Hg*

Universal blood donor: *O*
Universal blood recipient: *AB*
Average body weight: *70 kg*
Normal body *temperature: 37 degree celsius*

Breathing Rate at rest: *12-16/minute*

Number of Spinal Nerves: *31 pairs*

Largest Endocrine Gland: *Thyroid gland*

Gestation period: *40 weeks or 9 calendar months*
Normal Heart Beat at rest: *72 beats per minute*
Largest Gland: *Liver*
Largest Muscle in the body: *Gluteus Maximus or Buttock Muscle*
Smallest Muscle in the body: *Stapedius*
Largest Artery: *Aorta*
Largest Vein: *Inferior Vena Cava*
Largest and longest Nerve: *Sciatic Nerve*
Longest Cell: *Neurons (nerve cells)*
Minimum distance for proper vision: *25 cm*
Pulse rate: *72 per minute*
Thinnest Skin: *Eyelids*
Weight of Heart: *200-300 gm*
